Wednesday 8 February 2017

Writing Snippets

Last week we wrote about one thing we did on holiday. Toady we published our favourite sentence from our story. These are now on the classroom wall - come in to read them.

Here's a few:

I watched my sister’s sand castle crumble like crumbs on a cookie.

We had KFC, fish and chips and pizza. I was stuffed like a teddy bear after that.

My dad and I made lunch the night before. It was chicken, lamb and salad. Nana made traffic light jelly. Mum and Hugo packed bananas, peaches and nectarines. We bought bread rolls and butter. Uncle Dan just sat on the chilly bin.

(Opening sentence) Oh no! Not again! Christmas shopping troubles.
(conclusion) The next day I wrapped all the presents and while I was doing that I felt proud for dealing with the problem.

When I got ready I put tight clothes on by accident. I could feel the layers squeezing my body like I was in a small room.
Maia P

Grandma said, “Who wants to open presents?”
Sam, Jess and I said, “Me.” all together because we were so excited. Then Jackson said, “Me,” which was really cute.

My head was crumbling like sand since I didn't get any fish.

I lay down and the waves smashed over me.

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